Strategic planning

Board of the social enterprise Kate Edgar Foundation/Graduation Place showing off their new logos following a strategic planning session. 

Strategic planning is not just a task; it's a necessity for any organisation aiming to thrive in today's dynamic environment.

A Woven Collaboration strategic plan is a one page 'roadmap' that describes:

  • Your why: The reason your organisation exists, and the impact you're seeking to make in the world.
  • Your vision: Where you want your organisation to be in the future.
  • Context exploration: Understanding your current challenges and opportunities, and external factors, to make sure your plan is relevant, up to date and fit for purpose.  
  • Steps to success: What you need to focus on and invest your time and resources into to bring your vision to life. 
  • Success measures. How you will know you're making progress, and can powerfully describe the difference you're making. 

Do you want an engaged team, working collaboratively towards your organisation's mission? 

Co-designing a strategic plan together builds a shared commitment, with each of you having 'skin in the game' on your future direction. 

My approach is adaptable to meet the unique needs of your organisation and context.  

Get in touch to discuss what you need and how I can help! 

Leadership team for The Sisterhood, who support refugee women in Jakarta, participating in a online strategic planning session.  

Participants in a Far North community strategic planning hui with their plans for engaging marae in environmental restoration, tackling homelessness, and sustainable tourism.